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We protect, shelter and provide for vulnerable Children

Ewangan Enkerai is a maasai language which means light of a child. We protect a girl child from harmful cultural practises such as FGM. We also allow them realize their rights and dreams, empowered by their strenght of her voice and our collective actions.

We do this by sheltering and educating girls who run away from their homes in search of help and protection against such practises. We also influence community members to take alternatives rite of passage and provide reconcilation program.
our Mission
To be a driving force in the Maasai Land to end all forms of FGM and also we aspire to build a society where every child, irrespective of their circumstances, has equal opportunities to thrive.
To have a community free from all forms of FGM and where children can enjoy their rights fully.
Latest projects
We have twelve (12) girls whom we have rescued from FGM and early marriages. We also have one neglected child with special case. We are intending to support them to achive their dreams by providing education for a better tomorrow and also plan for reconcilation with their families. For the child with special case we intend to support to get the needed colostomy bags.
We work with Chiefs, Village elders, churches and volunteers from the villages.
Integrated Child Development

Some Children are never given the opportunity to go to school, and many of those in schools, droped out before reaching the end of secondary school, especially girls. Child marriage, child pregnancy, Female Genital Mutilation are major factors causing dropouts.

Child Rights

The child rights programme works to actualize the fundamental human diginity of all children and the urgency of ensuring their well being and development in the maasai community. It stresses that a basic quality of life should be fundamental rights of all children, rather than a previlege enjoy by a few. In this program we work with children, parents, church, community members and goverment officials to quarantee a holistic rights based approach to children's programme.

To prevent child rights abuses and encourage the continuation of education, Ewangan Enkerai educates community members about the laws protecting children, the consequences of child rights abuses including FGM and reporting procedures when child rights are violated.

Many children in the maasai mara of Lemek, starts school late because it is too far for them to safely walk to the nearest primary school. This is mostly difficult given the dengarous wild life that the children shares their homes with. Ewangan Enkerai will be focusing on supporting earlier childhood development (ECD) schools to enable children to start their education at the appropriate age.


Ewangan Enkerai is already supporting 12 children who are in primary and secondary schools. This programme focuses on extremely needy children who have experience traumatic childhoods and would not be able to continue with their education without financial support. For example some girls in the programme have run away from home when they were about to be circumcised or married. Well wishers can join us to support to transform the child's life of Maasai Mara Lemek. The cost of supporting and educating the needy child for one year is $800. We will be so much grateful for those who will support us to give these children a second chance at their childhood and letting them be free to be children again.

By Numbers
$ 800
cost of supporting and educating a needy child for 1 year
children in scholarship programme
young girls in the Mara still underground FGM
girls have their first baby while still a child themselves.
cost of buying sanitary towels for girls for one year
cost of buying colostomy bag for SEMEITA per month.
Special Case
Boaz Kanyinke Ronko

The boy is very bright, he sat for his National exams Kenya certificate of primary education last year and manage to score excellent marks. Very unfortunately he did not manage to join high school on time because of school fees. It was till third term area chief intervene and took boy to Salabwek secondary school just plead to the principal to accept him as he goes to look for support for a boy to get his education right. Thank God the principal also saw boy is very bright and he accepted him even although it was third term. Chief have been trying do all for boy get support including reaching to UNICEF, ministry of education to also intervene but the boy have not yet got any support. Two weeks ago the principal send boy back home told chief he has been patient enough but the debt is now huge and he has no otherwise but send boy home. Again chief wrote another letter to the principal just to be more patient as he continues to reach more and more well wishers to support the boy. That's why we have shared his story here too.

Successful stories

Our Team

We have a team 10 people.